DOpus Plus
DOpus Plus.iso
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Does open a simple window with some easy gadgets and does
parse the supplied arguments.
#define PARENT
#include "/includes/Window.h"
// a template is already defined in our project.h (repeat ->)
// "AutoClose/N,SmallBorder/K,Quit/S"
// I want to do an additional work - we does parse the argument
// supplied to "SmallBorder" again. So we need an additional template
// maximum count of items in our second template
#define MAX_ON_OFF_COUNT 8
// if the result is higher or equal this, it means "on" - else "off"
#define ON_CASE 4
// we allow to use the first 4 to turn the small border off - but here
// we don't do that, we show only the result of parsing to keep the
// source easy.
// locale prototypes
BOOL OpenDOpusWin( WindowHandle *wh );
BOOL HandleWindow( WindowHandle *wh );
void ParseArguments( WindowHandle *wh, STRPTR args );
void OwnWindow( STRPTR args, struct Screen *screen )
WindowHandle *wh;
if( (wh = AllocMemH(mempool, sizeof(WindowHandle))) ) // allocate some memory
wh->screen = screen; // store the screen pointer
if( OpenDOpusWin(wh) ) // open the window
// this we need to indicate that the second argument was empty
wh->result = 9;
// since we can not show the results we does not need to parse
// the aguments earlier...
ParseArguments( wh, args );
// we copy now the arguments into the text gadget
// if we have supplied some...
SetGadgetValue( wh->olist, GADGET_ID_TEXT, (ULONG) args );
while( TRUE )
wh->signals = Wait( 1 << wh->win->UserPort->mp_SigBit ); // wait for window events
if( wh->signals & 1 << wh->win->UserPort->mp_SigBit )
if( HandleWindow(wh) )
break; // does end the while loop
if( wh->fargs ) // free the FuncArgs
DisposeArgs( wh->fargs );
CloseConfigWindow( wh->win );
FreeMemH( wh ); // free our memory
// This function does open our window. We could have done this in the
// function OwnWindow() too, but we need this function later again.
BOOL OpenDOpusWin( WindowHandle *wh )
NewConfigWindow ncfgwin; // we need a NewConfigWindow structure too
// of couse you could also allocate it with
// AllocMemH()...
// and have to fill it
ncfgwin.nw_Parent = wh->screen; // open on this screen
// getting a localized title...
ncfgwin.nw_Title = DOpusGetString( locale, MSG_WINDOW_TITLE );
ncfgwin.nw_Dims = &cfgwin; // a pointer to the ConfigWin structure
ncfgwin.nw_Locale = locale; // the module locale pointer (from modinit.c)
ncfgwin.nw_Port = NULL; // we doesn't supply a port
ncfgwin.nw_Font = NULL; // just taking the screen font
ncfgwin.nw_Flags = WINDOW_REQ_FILL | // fill with stripple pattern
WINDOW_AUTO_KEYS | // handle keys automatic
WINDOW_SCREEN_PARENT; // nw_Parent points to a screen
if( (wh->win = OpenConfigWindow(&ncfgwin)) ) // open the window
if( (wh->olist = AddObjectList(wh->win, odef)) ) // add the gadgets
return TRUE;
CloseConfigWindow( wh->win ); // in error case do not forget :-)
return FALSE;
// we does only close the window, if the closegadget was pressed
// if you want to close it within a gadget, you must only in the
// right case set "stop" to TRUE
BOOL HandleWindow( WindowHandle *wh )
BOOL stop = FALSE;
ULONG value;
while( !stop && (wh->imsg = GetWindowMsg(wh->win->UserPort)) )
switch( wh->imsg->Class ) // let's handle the IDCMP
switch( GET_ID(wh->imsg) )
case GADGET_ID_CYCLE: // here we do show the results of our parsing or even a simple text
if( wh->fargs )
value = GetGadgetValue( wh->olist, GADGET_ID_CYCLE );
// value is now in range between 0 and 2 - just what we need... :)
switch( value )
case 0:
sprintf( wh->buffer, "AutoClose value: %ld", wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[0] ? *(ULONG *) wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[0] : 0 );
case 1:
if( wh->result == 9 )
strcpy( wh->buffer, "No valid value for SmallBorder" );
if( wh->result < ON_CASE )
strcpy( wh->buffer, "SmallBorder goes off" );
strcpy( wh->buffer, "SmallBorder goes on" );
case 2:
sprintf( wh->buffer, "Switch QUIT was %ssupplied", wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[2] ? NULL : "not " );
strcpy( wh->buffer, "No arguments supplied" );
SetGadgetValue( wh->olist, GADGET_ID_TEXT, (ULONG) wh->buffer );
case GADGET_ID_OKAY: // doing a message
SetGadgetValue( wh->olist, GADGET_ID_TEXT, (ULONG) DOpusGetString(locale, MSG_OKAY_DONE) );
SetGadgetValue( wh->olist, GADGET_ID_TEXT, (ULONG) DOpusGetString(locale, MSG_CANCEL_DONE) );
// we can not simply return here, the IntuiMessage must replied first
stop = TRUE;
ReplyWindowMsg( wh->imsg );
// remember: You should not use any other routines
// to get/reply the messages of this window than
// GetWindowMsg() and ReplyWindowMsg() !!
return stop;
void ParseArguments( WindowHandle *wh, STRPTR args )
if( (wh->fargs = ParseArgs(FUNC1_TEMPLATE, args)) )
// now is already the main done
// if you want to access the result of parsing ->
// for the first of the template (it's an ULONG value)
// result = *(ULONG *) wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[0];
// for the second of the template (it's a STRPTR)
// result = wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[1];
// for the last of the template (it's a BOOL)
// result = wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[2];
// wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[x] itself is NULL, if the
// matching keyword was not supplied
// If you does not test this, an Enforcer hit is the
// "lowest" result you'll get...
// All clear ?
// Let's do it again -> we check now, if something
// and what of our ON_OFF_TEMPLATE was supplied to
// the SmallBorder argument
FuncArgs *fargs; // we need a second pointer
if( !wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[1] )
if( (fargs = ParseArgs(ON_OFF_TEMPLATE, (STRPTR) wh->fargs->FA_Arguments[1])) )
// now we scan through the results and store them
// as ULONG
for( wh->result = 0; wh->result < MAX_ON_OFF_COUNT; wh->result++ )
if( fargs->FA_Arguments[wh->result] )
// we have now in wh->result:
// - a value in range of 0 to 3 for any kind of "off"
// - a value in range of 4 to 7 for any kind of "on"
// - a value of 8, if nothing of the ON_OFF_TEMPLATE was supplied, but anything else...
// - or even 9, if "SmallBorder" was not supplied or invalid
DisposeArgs( fargs );
// you may also take a look to HandleWindow()
// I do there our output within the cycle and text gadget